Both courses are only available until February 28, 2022. There are no further courses planned at the moment.


my name is Conny Lehmann and I am a passionate artist. My motto is:  every day I work artistically is a happy day.

I'm painting with various media. Abstract painting is my greatest passion. I express myself with acrylic paints, various markers and oil pastels.

I also like to paint with watercolors and soft pastels.

But what I do practically every day is collaging, either as a warm-up prior to my painting sessions or when there's only little time to be creative.

I would like to share my knowledge with you.


Abstract Painting Online Workshop  paint with me


Paint with me is a step-by-step guide in which you will get to know all of my painting secrets – the exact techniques and tools I use, and the ways I think about creating. You can easily apply the knowledge to your own painting process.


Click on the picture for more informations



Joy of Collage

In this course I will show you different types of collage. The course is suitable for beginners as well as advanced.

Click on the picture for more informations